
2748 Hellerman St. B Philadelphia, PA 19149


Have a more engaging life at home with our caregivers.

For many seniors and disabled individuals, their current situation may limit their ability to fully engage on a personal and social level. This is because the ease of visiting their family and friends, attending social events, driving to their destinations, and more is often difficult to pursue because of their physical mobility function.

Companion care for elderly

That is why Miracles Home Care endeavors to fill this gap by providing companionship. We have friendly caregivers who are to serve our patients with their warm and loving presence. Through their supportive interaction and conversation, our clients will be able to remain socially and mentally active.

As such, our companions also make it possible for seniors and disabled persons to remain safe in the comforts of their home as our caregivers will take extra precautionary measures for safety.

As such, our care system works on the latest standards and principles of home care. That is why we also regularly assess the needs of our patients so we can adjust or change our care plan accordingly to meet their evolving needs.

It is in our sincerity to care for our patients that truly measure our passion and commitment to the overall health and well-being of our clients.